CyberSaint is thrilled to be hosting our annual STRONGER conference, September 13-15, 2022. The virtual conference will be three days focused on top-of-mind challenges security and business leaders face in the digital age and we hope to see you there!
Each track will focus on a different aspect of the digital landscape through the lens of industry thought leaders, CyberSaint subject matter experts, partners, and community members.
STRONGER 2022 Tracks
Frameworks, Security, & Risk
With businesses embracing digital transformation at an unprecedented rate, the legacy approach to risk and compliance management - and emphasis on governance and compliance with limited risk focus, is failing. Join speakers in this track as they cover essential frameworks, leading security practices, and illustrate how cyber and IT risk management, when brought to the fore, enables business growth in the digital age.
Transforming the C-Suite
Whether digitally transformed or digitally native, organizations cannot silo cyber security and risk cannot within IT. With technology adoption being easier than ever, executive leadership across the business must acknowledge that cybersecurity is now a necessary component of their role and transform themselves to meet the challenge. Information security leaders must also be prepared to evolve themselves, as leaders and educators, to assist in these and other transformation efforts. For business leaders, become more educated in cybersecurity and learn how you fit into the greater cyber and IT risk management landscape. For CISOs, learn how you can transform your role to support your organization and fellow C-suite members in the digital age.
InfoSec 360
The velocity of change within the cybersecurity landscape has only accelerated in recent years. In this track, see retrospectives of the hacks and attacks of 2022 as well as predictions from the industry’s foremost thought leaders for the year to come and how to prepare. This track will explore innovations in the people, process, and technology of cybersecurity and the forces that are driving these trends to emerge.